Verde Valley Amateur Radio Association
North-Central Arizona USA

Next Club Meeting

Saturday, October 19, 2024
11:30am - 1:00pm: Optional Lunch
1:00pm: Club Meeting

El Toreo Mexican Restaurant
1481 AZ-89A
Clarkdale, AZ 86324
Google Map

All about POTA (Parks on the Air)
by Fred K7FWP


Knobby Knee Net
Every Morning at 7:00AM

60s Trivia Net
Tuesday and Wednesday Evenings at 6:30PM

T.G.I.F. Net
Friday Evenings at 6:30PM

Knobby Knee Net

Ever wonder what you sound like to others on the radio? Here is a recording of the net on Sunday, September 29th.

audio waveform

September Club Meeting

We had a nice crowd at the club meeting. Thanks to Steve Stock WA0A for the PowerPoint slides about Grounding and Bonding presented by Bill Jean KK7LGE.

VVARA September Club Meeting

Sunspot Photos

Gary K9SG sent some more sunspot photos. Click the photo below to see Gary's astrophotography.


Estate Sale

See this PDF file for details:
Estate Sale for KD7SXH(SK)

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Monday Lunch Bunch

On most Mondays a group of hams and guests get together for lunch at a local restaurant. The group is surprisingly called the Monday Lunch Bunch. Here is the group at the BackBurner Family Restaurant in Prescott Valley on June 3, 2024. The best way to find out where the lunch will be is to listen to the Knobby Knee Net on Monday mornings.

Monday Lunch Bunch

The Knobby Knee Breakfast

Or some would say this is brunch. Here is a recent gathering at Randall's Restaurant in Cottonwood, Arizona. If you would like to join us show up about 8:30am Wednesday for the regular Randall's morning breakfast. 

Randall's Breakfast

Ambient Weather on Mingus Repeater
Weather Cam Photo

We have a new weather station on Mingus Mountain. You can see the weather report here: Mingus Weather.